Social Media


When we took on Robison Construction as a client, they wanted to begin and grow their social media presence and show off their work.


Caryn Brown
Katie Smith
Kate Blevins


Social Media Content

Creative Process

When talking about their social media, Randy and Scott said they wanted to focus on keeping their posts client-focused and draw in new clients through their posts.

Content Templates

Kate and Katie created templates for recent project completions, featured projects, reviews, did you know posts, and get to know posts– to create a unified and branded look for Robison.

Continued Work

As we continue to create posts for Robison Construction’s social media, we enjoy seeing comments and reactions Robison Construction gets on their posts. Kate believes that the community is excited about the team’s work, and they praise the team for it!


Project Promotion

Kate focused on projects completed within the last few months to help potential clients see what is actively happening now and have recent examples of Robison’s work constantly.

“Featured projects are to let potential businesses see just how wide of a variety of work Robison Construction can provide.”

Kate Blevins

Marketing Strategist, Digital Media Butterfly

Featured projects are different in that they are used to highlight unique opportunities that the company has. One notable example is the Chaparral project, a custom build of offices for entrepreneurs. On the flip side, Kate created did you know and get to know posts to allow a personal side and give a face and voice behind the company on their online presence.

Check out their social media!

The numbers
as of august 2022


Facebook Likes

Instagram Followers

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