I spoke today at the Meals on Wheels Texas Conference. Below are my notes for those that attended my session or for anyone that is looking for resources for nonprofits using social media.
Social Media Breakfasts
In Texas:
Nonprofits Getting it Right on Social Media
- http://www.marchofdimes.org/
- https://donate.charitywater.org
- http://www.bbbs.org
- http://bestfriends.org
- http://wish.org
- http://www.wateraid.org/us
- SocialMedia4NonProfits.org
- BethKanter.org
- https://nonprofits.fb.com
- http://mashable.com/2015/11/18/facebook-fundraiser-pages/#9eSdmIs5UZqb
- http://mashable.com/2014/09/18/social-media-charity/#TJkp8hZqcGqb