WOW!  We sure were busy in November! We created various marketing pieces for our clients, including 1 logo, 4 marketing pieces, and 732 social media posts. We also completed 3 new websites and brought in 2 new clients.

The first website launch was a website we created for the Grant Teaff Foundation. While creating this website, we worked closely with them to design a website with a clear mission that matched their desired branding. Check it out for yourself at


We also launched the website for La Bottega, a new restaurant by Di Camplis. While creating the website for La Bottega, we worked with their team to create a website that felt like the Italian countryside while showing off their amazing menu. To see their website, visit


The last website we launched in November was the website that we created for the Christian Men’s Job Corps. In this website re-design, we focused on making the website cleaner and modern. Check out the website we created for the Christian Men’s Job Corps at!


As we wrap up November, our excitement to undertake December’s challenges is at an all-time high! We are fully geared up and determined to pull off another spectacular month and end 2023 on a great note.

Do you want to be a part of our December numbers?