Stories can create a connection between you and your customer, leading to a relationship with them. Relationships are important in your business because they often bring you to a level of trust with your client.
Storytelling helps you to stand out from the competition. Write an authentic story, and your customers will want to keep coming back. Great stories bridge the gap between you and your audience. I love that, don’t you?
I could write a novel about my love of storytelling, but I’ll rein it in and focus on what it means for your marketing.
A relatable story guarantees a captive audience. When a customer can identify with something in your story, they are far more likely to be engaged with what you have to say. There’s a saying amongst writers: “Make your reader the hero of the story.” This applies to the stories you tell your use in your marketing. If they feel involved, they will be eager to read more.
Emotions are a tricky thing when it comes to business. As much as we love to deny it, many of our decisions in life are based on emotion. It’s what makes us human. Storytelling allows you to express emotion in a way your customers can instantly identify.
Storytelling humanizes you, and people love to connect with others. That’s not to say you’re secretly an android, just that a story can help you to express your humanity. When customers connect with your story, they are connecting with you too. With connection comes trust, which is not a thing most businesses have now.
When you share a story that resonates with your customer, they are far more likely to reach and connect with you. The best thing about this is that the customer will likely have a story to share of their own! You will have established common ground with the customer, engaged them, and started to build trust.
So remember, storytelling isn’t just for novels and movies- it’s an important piece of your marketing. Having a storytelling aspect to your marketing will resonate with customers, and they will be more likely to want to do business with you.
Caryn Brown, Head Butterfly