As we say goodbye to Summer, we are proud and excited for everything we achieved. Throughout August, our dedicated team worked relentlessly to accomplish numerous milestones.

We created various marketing pieces for our clients, including seven logos, nine marketing pieces, and 677 social media posts. August also brought in four new clients and the completion of one new website.

We launched The Vault Premier Storage’s website. While creating this website, we focused on incorporating pictures and making the features and amenities of the storage facility easy for the user to see. To see their website, check it out at


Our head butterfly, Caryn, also spoke with Fox 44 News about the dangers and concerns with the Saturn app. To hear what she had to say, check it out here!

Caryn, also spoke at the local Optimist Club Meeting- Q&A style! While speaking, she encouraged members of the club to ask her questions about social media, websites, or general marketing that they were interested in learning about. 


August was indeed a busy month, and we can’t wait to see what September has in store for us!

Do you want to be a part of our September numbers?