Social Media for Social Good

Social Media for Social Good

I spoke today at the Meals on Wheels Texas Conference.  Below are my notes for those that attended my session or for anyone that is looking for resources for nonprofits using social media. Social Media Breakfasts In Texas: Austin Dallas Houston San Antonio Waco...

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources from my #ConfusedMom talk today: Social Media Slang Should I Friend or Follow my Teen on Social Media? 13 Tips for Monitoring Teens’ Social Media...


The world now is vastly different than the one we grew up in, how to help our teens with their Algebra homework seems to be the least of our worries.

Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends

The world of Social Media is a fast-moving, constantly changing world.  Trying to stay on top of everything can feel like moving the wrong way on an escalator.  Part of my job as a social media strategist is to sort thru all the streams of information and help my...